Inserting Genomes

The add_genome command requires a name, description, and data. The data parameter is a string containing all the chromosomes and their sizes.


data = """chr1    197195432
chr2    181748087
chr3    159599783
chr4    155630120
chr5    152537259
chr6    149517037
chr7    152524553
chr8    131738871
chr9    124076172
chr10    129993255
chr11    121843856
chr12    121257530
chr13    120284312
chr14    125194864
chr15    103494974
chr16    98319150
chr17    95272651
chr18    90772031
chr19    61342430
chrX    166650296
chrY    15902555
chrM    16299"""

(status, genome_id) = server.add_genome("mm9_simple",
                                        "mm9 genome with the main chromosomes",
                                        data, user_key)

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