
The Technique controlled vocabulary contains information on experimental techniques which refines the epigenetic mark metadata. The technique controlled vocabulary contains the technique name and its description.

The command list_techniques lists all techniques included in DeepBlue:

>>> print server.list_techniques("anonymous_key")
['okay', [['t1', 'RRBS'], ['t2', 'Infinium 450k'], ['t3', 'BisulfiteSeq'],
          ['t4', 'ChipSeq'], ['t5', 'ChipSeq Uniform'], ['t6', 'DNaseSeq'],
          ['t7', 'DNaseSeq Uniform'], ['t8', 'Chromatin State Segmentation by HMM'],
          ['t9', 'RNASeq']]]

Similar technique names can be found using the list_similar_techniques command.

The add_technique command is used to insert a technique. Note that not all users have permission to add new techniques.

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