User Key

The user_key is your unique and personal identification for the DeepBlue Epigenomic Data Server.

It is confidential and must not be shared, even with co-workers. Contact us if you encounter any problems with your key.

The easiest way to verify your user_key is through the echo command. The following code shows how you can verify your user_key. Before executing this code, change the variable user_key to your proper user_key.

import xmlrpclib
user_key = "anonymous_key"
url = ""
server = xmlrpclib.Server(url, encoding='UTF-8', allow_none=True)
print server.echo(user_key)

The echo command should return: ['okay', 'Deep Blue (0.9.5) says hi to anonymous']. Please verify your user_key if the command returns ['okay', 'Deep Blue (0.9.5) says hi to a Stranger'].

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    No results matching ""