BioSources and Samples

The BioSources controlled vocabulary contains different types of biological sources: cell lines, cell types, lineage, tissues, organs, and others. A BioSource contains a name, description, and additional metadata. DeepBlue currently imports BioSources from three ontologies: Cell Type, Experimental Factor Ontology, and Uber Anatomy Ontology. Each term in the BioSource controlled vocabulary has a name, description (if available), the address of a full description of the term, ontology name, namespace of the term, and the ontology comment about the term.

The command add_biosource is used to insert a new BioSource. It is also possible to list all BioSources using the command list_biosources and to search all BioSources with a similar name through the command list_similar_biosources.

Identical BioSources can have different names, referred to as synonyms. For example, the leukocyte BioSource has the synonyms leucocyte and white blood cells. A synonym can be set using the set_biosource_synonym command. A BioSource list of synonyms may be retrieved with the get_biosource_synonyms command:

(s, synonyms) = server.get_biosource_synonyms("blood", user_key)

The synonyms variable will contain ['blood', 'portion of blood', 'vertebrate blood'].

DeepBlue also organizes all available BioSources into a hierarchy. The hierarchy establishes which terms embrace each other. For example, the BioSource blood is more embracing than leukocyte, and the term leukocyte is more embracing than lymphocyte. The command set_biosource_parent is used to set a relationship between two BioSources. Use the get_biosource_children command to list the BioSources that fall under another BioSource within the BioSources hierarchy.

(s, children) = server.get_biosource_children("blood", user_key)

The command get_biosource_related returns all BioSources under the given BioSource and their synonyms:

(s, related) = server.get_biosource_related("blood", user_key)

Some BioSources may have duplicated IDs, for example, bloodand portion of blood have the ID bs2. This is because portion of bloodis a synonym of blood.


BioSources are not used directly by Experiments, but rather through Samples. From a data organization perspective, Samples are BioSources with metadata. The metadata may contain any kind of information about the source such as the organism, laboratory, age, karyotype, cell lineage, strain, date, donor sex, or donor ethnicity. The metadata fields are very flexible, and it is recommended that all sample information be included here. We will try to include as much metadata as possible during a sample's import process. DeepBlue imports samples from ENCODE, BLUEPRINT and others future projects. Look in the field source in the sample extra_metadata for obtaining the Sample original source.

The sample metadata fields should be included before using the command add_sample_field. The necessary information to create a new field is the field name, the type (string or numeral), description, and the user_key. An error message will be returned if a field with the same name already exists. A list of all similar field names can be obtained using the command list_similar_sample_fields, and a list of all sample fields with the command list_sample_fields.

The add_sample command is used to insert a new sample together with its metadata. The command list_samples lists all samples belonging to a given BioSource and their metadata. The list_samples command returns a list of key-value elements, where the key is the sample ID, and the elements are the metadata of the sample:

server.list_samples("T_cells_CD4+", {}, user_key)

This command returns:

['okay', ['s342', {'lineage': 'mesoderm', 'karyotype': 'unknown',
                    'description': 'Parent cell line for T cells CD4+.',
                    'biosource_name': 'T_cells_CD4+', 'lab': 'Crawford', 'sex': 'B',
                    'user': 'Populator', 'tier': '3', '_id': 's342',
                    'organism': 'human'}]]

The list_samples command may be used to retrieve samples based on their metadata. For instance, to retrieve all samples that have "tier 3" in their metadata:

server.list_samples(None, {"tier":"3"}, user_key)

N.B.: Not all samples have a tier in their metadata; it depends on the source from which the data was imported.

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    No results matching ""