
The epigenomic data is organized as Experiments in DeepBlue. Each experiment is compounded by a region set and associated metadata.

One experiment has the following metadata:

The list_experiments command is used to obtain all Experiments that match the given metadata content. This command has the parameters: genome assembly, epigenetic mark, sample ID, technique, project, and user_key. All parameters, with the exception of user_key, are optional. Setting a parameter to None means that this parameter will not be used for the experiment selection. For example, it is possible to list all experiments from the genome assembly hg19, by entering the genome assembly and passing an empty string to all other metadata parameters:

import xmlrpclib
user_key = "anonymous_key"
url = "http://deepblue.mpi-inf.mpg.de/xmlrpc"

server = xmlrpclib.Server(url, encoding='UTF-8', allow_none=True)

all_experiments = server.list_experiments("hg19", "", "", "", "", "", "", user_key)

To list all Experiments from the human genome assembly hg19 with the epigenetic mark H3K27me3 from the ENCODE project:

import xmlrpclib
user_key = "anonymous_key"
url = "http://deepblue.mpi-inf.mpg.de/xmlrpc"

server = xmlrpclib.Server(url, encoding='UTF-8', allow_none=True)

h3k27me3_encode = server.list_experiments("hg19", "h3k27me3", None, None, None,
                                          None, "ENCODE", user_key)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""