Data Identifier

Each datum in DeepBlue possesses a unique Identifier. This identifier is returned in all listing, search, query, and insert operations. The identifiers can be divided into two parts: the prefix, which is one or two letters, indicating the data type, and a numeric value.

The following table contains the identifier prefixes and their data type:

Identifier Data Type
a Annotation
e Experiment
g Genome
em Epigenetic Mark
bs BioSource
s Sample
p Project
t Technique
q Query

The info command is to inspect the identifier content:"e1", user_key)

The info command returns a list of maps, where each map contains the information of an id.

We can use the info command to view the samples' content:

(s, related) = server.get_biosource_related("blood", user_key)
related_names = server.extract_names(related)[1] # get the BioSource names
(s, samples) = server.list_samples(related_names, {}, user_key)
samples_id = server.extract_ids(samples)[1] # get samples ID

for _id in samples_id[:20] : # the first 20 samples
 print, user_key)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""