Inserting Experiments

The experiments use all controlled vocabularies for their metadata. For this reason, please make sure that you have included all parameters required by the add_experiment command, before inserting a new experiment.

  • Name — experiment name – Unique for each user
  • Genome — genome assembly
  • Epigenetic Mark
  • Sample — sample ID
  • Technique — technique used by the experiment
  • Project — project to which the experiment belongs
  • Description — free text field containing a description of the experiment
  • Data — epigenomic data in BED, BEDGRAPH or WIG format
  • Format — file format description
  • Extra metadata — extra information in the key-value format – to include metadata that does not belong to any controlled vocabulary.

DeepBlue indexes and performs searches on all metadata, including the experiment name, controlled vocabulary terms, description and extra metadata.

Two very important fields are the data and format. The data must be in the BED, BEDGRAPH, or WIG format. The formatfield should state which format is being used. If the data is in BED format, the column names must be given. Otherwise, only the format name is needed: bedgraph or wig.

BED Data Format

When inserting an experiment in BED format, the format parameter should describe the data content. The format contains the field names separated by commas (,) where each field must be the name of a registered column type. Remember that the BED format uses tabs as field separators.

Let us take at the following BED file:

chr1    0    100    1.0
chr1    100    200    1.2
chr1    200    300    0.0
chr1    400    600    0.2

Its format can be described as CHROMOSOME,START,END,VALUE. All experiments and annotation formats must contain a CHROMOSOME, START, and END columns.

Columns Types

DeepBlue provides the Column Types data type for predefining column names and their respective types. They should be used to insert an experiment or annotation. Using Column Types is simple, requiring only the Column Type name. For example, we can rewrite the format defined by "Chromosome:String,Start:Integer,End:Integer,Value:Double" as CHROMOSOMO,START,END,VALUE.

Column Types must first be created before being used. Each Column Type contains the three pieces of information that were defined directly in the BED format field:

  • name is the unique identifier that will be used in the BED file descriptor.
  • type can be string, integer, double, category, or range.

DeepBlue has the column IGNORE that must be used when the entire column content must be ignored.

Three commands are available to define a `column_type:

  • create_column_type_simple — to create a column_type with simple types: string, integer, and double.
    server.create_column_type_simple("NAME", "The Name!", "string", user_key)
    server.create_column_type_simple("VALUE", "The Value!", "double", user_key)
    server.create_column_type_simple("POSITION", "The Position!", "integer", user_key)
  • create_column_type_category — to create a column_type that accepts a predefined set of values
    server.create_column_type_simple("STRAND", "Strand!", ["+","-"], user_key)
  • create_column_type_range — to create a `column_type that accepts a value that lies within a given range (value range is inclusive)
    server.create_column_type_range("NORMALIZED_SCORE", "Normalized Score",
                                  -1.0, 1.0, user_key)

For consistency, please always use capital letters for the Column Type name.

As DeepBlue already contains pre-defined column_types, it should hardly be necessary to insert new column_types. Use the command list_column_types to list all column_types included in DeepBlue:

(s, columns) = server.list_column_types(user_key)
for column in columns:
  print column

The standard BED format has the following specification in DeepBlue:


It is possible to inspect the experiment format using the info command. In the following example, we search for all experiments that contain "methylation" and "blood" in their medatada, get their full information using the info command, and print the name and format:

(s, experiments) ="\"methylation\" \"blood\"", "experiments", user_key)
for experiment in experiments:
    (s, e_info) =[0], user_key)
    print e_info[0]["name"] + " : " + e_info[0]["format"]

results matching ""

    No results matching ""