Selecting Annotations

The select_annotations command accepts the name of one or more annotations, the genome, chromosomes, and start and end positions. Any combination of these parameters is possible.

Example 1: Selecting the CpG Island annotation:

(s, cpg_island) = server.select_annotations("Cpg Islands",
                                            "hg19", None, None, None, user_key)

Example 2: Only the chromosomes X and Y:

(s, cpg_island) = server.select_annotations("Cpg Islands",
                                            "hg19", ["chrX", "chrY"],
                                            None, None, user_key)

Example 3: Selecting the hox genes:

(s, hox_genes) = server.select_annotations("Genes", "hg19",
                                           "chr7", 27130000, 27250000,

The select_annotations return value is a query identifier (that will be) used in other operations or to retrieve data with the get_regions command.

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